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What are the 9 secrets of mankind?

Master Nursi states that there are nine great purposes and wisdoms of human existence, and that by grasping these wisdoms, man will become a true human being, comprehend the reason for his existence, and attain true happiness and peace.

These nine important purposes, wisdom and obligations are briefly as follows:

1 – Human beings love life and find happiness by weighing and measuring the rich blessings that Allah sends us from the treasuries of His mercy with the rich feelings put into their being, and by realizing that Allah is the sole provider.

2 – By opening the hidden treasures of Allah’s beautiful names and recognizing Allah with those names, with the rich emotions attached to his own life, man solves the mystery of life and lives a contented life.

3 – Human beings are happy and at peace when they know and comprehend the subtle arts that each of Allah’s beautiful names has attached to them, and when they use these subtle arts to exert their influence and weight on other beings, to understand and proclaim Allah’s greatness, beauty and artistry.

4-Human beings spend their lives in comfort and peace by demonstrating their servitude to Allah as human beings, with their behavior, attitude, behavior, essence, words, and stance in the face of every positive and negative event.

5 – Just as a student equips himself with official clothes and carefully presents himself to the official officials of the state by attending the official parade, a human being finds peace and satisfaction by comprehending the names of Allah with the delicate subtleties and delicate feelings given to him, adorning himself with the unique arts required by each name, and presenting himself as an honorable servant to the sight of Allah, Who is Himself the Seer.

6 -Man adds meaning and pleasure to his life by seeing the beautiful posture of beings towards Allah, witnessing that the language of beings points to Allah, hearing the remembrance of Allah, seeing and evaluating that they listen to Allah’s commands and fulfill them completely, and consciously presenting the unconscious servitude of beings to Allah.

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7 – The human being has been given a little knowledge, a little might, a little will, a little seeing, a little hearing, a little speaking, a little living, a little doing, a little building, a little inventing, a little loving, a little compassion, He is obliged to know Allah’s unlimited attributes of perfection, His holy states and His unique names with those little measurements by counting His attributes and states such as a little mercy, a little pity, a little forgiveness as a measure.

For example, a human being who builds a house in an orderly manner with his tiny power, knowledge and will, knows and recognizes his Creator, who is the master of this vast universe to the extent that it is bigger than his house, as powerful, mighty, knowledgeable, wise, willful, inventor and manager to that extent.

8 – By understanding the testimony of each of the creatures in their own language about the oneness and nurturing power of Allah, man understands the secrets of life and becomes happy.

9-Human beings need to understand the degrees of manifestation of Allah’s infinite power, infinite wealth and other unlimited attributes of perfection with their helplessness, poverty, neediness, weakness, deficiency, imperfection and other imperfect attributes. Just as the flavors and beauties of food are understood in the degree of hunger and need, man, with his infinite helplessness and infinite poverty, comprehends the infinite power and infinite richness of Allah.

O Most Merciful One, guide us to the secret of our existence! Make us grateful for our existence! Make us reach the wisdom of our existence!

This article is inspired by the Risale-i Nur corpus of Master Nursi


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